Hemp Incubator Company
We bring together top hemp companies, researchers and founders with big plans for a regenerative future. By fostering a strong ecosystem of hemp networks and resources, the HIC helps companies & startups around the world take their ideas to the next level.

Hemp Incubator Company: The Full Story.
What We’re About
Hemp Incubator Company is a Incubator/Accelerator and R&D Lab for Hemp entrepreneurs, startups, inventors and companies. We connect HIC members with strategic industry experts to create and validate hemp technologies with organizations such as the Hemp Research Consortium, Cornell University, North Carolina State and Kentucky University.
The HIC will help innovators and founders take their startups to the next level by providing them with the tools and guidance they need to turn their excellent ideas into great companies. Get in touch with us today to learn more about Hemp Incubator Company.
Working in an industry specific Incubator is beneficial on many levels. Each company will have access to many years of experience, vast networks and resources. Our goal is to help all the Hemp Stars shine and help bring this plant back to the planet.
Our Hemp Services
The HIC provides an industry specific Incubator/Accelerator team with an international network of Hemp professionals to help each HIC member company succeed
The HIC will assist in creating , filling and protecting IP, Copyrights and Trademark, Trade Secrets and assist in getting technologies tested and ready for market
We assist HIC members by promoting their fundraising initiatives to our network and also help identify and write grants and create sales channels and partnerships
Hemp Incubator Company
Stephen M. Cutter Jr – Founder & CEO
Stephen is a passionate Hemp advocate and networker. Stephen spends his life working for the plant and doing his best to bring together this green revolution.
David Abecassis – Founder & CSO
David is a interdisciplinary scientist with a diverse background in chemistry, biology, geology, nanotech, bioplastics and more. David will be assisting int the development of new technologies and Intellectual Property and education.
Rick Trojan – Founder & CDO
Rick is an accomplished Hemp OG with a focus on business development and international sales. Rick is also a hemp author, film maker and lifelong enthusiast.
David Kam – Founder & CDO
David is a multi talented individual with a background in mechanical engineering, art and pioneering technologies such as blockchain. David has ambitions to build a Hemp car and Hemp City that the HIC will be the primary supplier of technologies.
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Contact Us
8 The green Street
Dover, DE 19901
(815) 274-6777