The HIC is proud to work with the following Hemp technologies and companies.

Hemp 3D Resin is developing a 3d printable material by hemp and other waste streams. Max Davis the founder is a Cornell Architect graduate has been in 3d printing world and maker space for over ten years.

Titan BioPlastics is an advanced material science development agency who work on everything from bioplastics, concrete, nanotechnology, paper, packaging and more. David Abecassis CSO of Titan is a 30yr interdisciplinary scientist with a diverse background and expertise in sustainable material and IP development.

Hemp Domes

Hemp Domes are the ideal sustainable housing solution and can be constructed by anyone. Stephen Clarke – Co-Founder, is a 10yr Natural building expert and has built hemp hand natural homes all around the world.

Davinci Cars

Davinci Cars is developing a Hemp Super Car that will be made as much of hemp as possible. They will utilize hemp fibers for the frame and interior and can even make batteries and fuel from hemp.